Start Using Natural Arthritis Remedies to Manage Your Pain

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Arthritis is a debilitating condition if it’s allowed to progress without proper management, regardless of which type you have. There are days where you can’t be as active as you desire, and there are days when the stiffness is utterly painful.

Inflammation is a major concern for arthritis, and the immune system can react unfavorably to this condition. Learning how to manage this process with natural treatments is a worthy endeavor that could potentially avoid medication.

Some natural remedies can assist in the management of inflammation, reduction of uric acid, and the alleviation of pain so that you can resume the active lifestyle you once loved.

Spices and Herbs to Decrease the Pain

Reduce the inflammation around your joints, and the pain will slowly dissipate. Some herbs and spices do just that. Inflammation can be downright painful in any kind of arthritis, and these natural remedies can improve your well-being.

Black Pepper

Black pepper is the king of natural remedies. It contains antioxidants, anti-inflammatory agents, and antidepressants to help your mood remain balanced for all-around arthritis treatment. Use freshly ground black pepper in your food.


This spice is available in every kitchen, and it offers anti-inflammatory agents, antioxidants, and cinnamic acid, which neutralizes uric acid to combat gout as well.

It also improves heart health and increases high-density lipoproteins or good cholesterol.


Cloves also reduce inflammation by inhibiting the cytokines produced by the kidneys when the immune system moves to a response mode, which causes inflammation around the joints.


This herb is also found as an essential oil, and it disrupts the signals between the brain and the kidneys to stop the production of cytokines, again causing inflammation when the immune system feels threatened.


Garlic is a tasty addition to any food, and it also contains diallyl disulfide, which inhibits the inflammatory cytokines. Additionally, it might even prevent cartilage degeneration, which occurs in osteoarthritis.


Ginseng, which is a powerful antioxidant, is an extract from a Korean plant, and it can reduce inflammation. It also enhances the absorption rate of uric acid by cells that use it.

Green Tea

Green tea contains a polyphenol called polyphenol epigallocatechin-gallate, which suppresses the immune system and reduces inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Maritime Pine Bark

Pycnogenol is an extract derived from the French Maritime Pine Bark tree, and it’s an effective anti-inflammatory agent, as well as an antioxidant. Moreover, it works wonders for osteoarthritis.

Organic Cocoa Powder

This contains resveratrol, which has effectively helped in autoimmune disorders that lead to rheumatoid arthritis, and it’s also an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.

White Willow Bark

The bark of the white willow tree contains salicin, which is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and natural pain-reliever. It can also fight infections, reduce fever, and keep the immune system strong.

These tricks are as natural as it comes, and you can use any of them to combat inflammation and pain.

Natural Products to Reduce Uric Acid

Gout is one of the most painful types of arthritis, and there are a few herbs and spices that offer very effective treatment.

Burdock Root

Burdock root is a natural detox stimulant that removes toxins from the bloodstream, including elevated levels of uric acid. It also improves liver and kidney function to ensure that your body can continue removing the toxins.


Dandelion extract and teas have proven to enhance kidney and liver function, allowing better excretion of uric acid in a 2013 study published in the Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University in India.

Devil’s Claw Root

The Journal of Medicinal Plants Research published research connecting Devil’s Claw root to a reduction of uric acid in 2013. It also doubles as an anti-inflammatory agent.

Lemon Herbs

Lemon herbs contain citric acid, which neutralizes uric acid and helps the kidneys flush it out. It also dissolves crystals that form around the joints.

Sour Black Cherries

Research published by the United Kingdom National Health Service confirmed that sour black cherries often used for tart cherry juice are effective in reducing inflammation and decreasing uric acid by increasing the excretion of uric acid.

Wandering Cudweed

Wandering Cudweed, which is found in Chinese alternative medicine stores is another uric acid suppressant. It can also dissolve the joint crystals in gout flares.

You might not know all these products, but they’re easily sourced in alternative medicine stores as extracts, herbal roots, and essential oils. Moreover, they’re excellent secret remedies that can help treat gout.


The earth has always supplied us with what we need, and all we need to do is use these natural remedies to support a healthy and active lifestyle. This will help you manage your arthritis with greater ease.


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