10 Amazing Bodyweight Workout Equipment That Will Take Your Bodyweight Training to The Next Level

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Don’t Have Enough Time? Here Are The Key Points

  • Bodyweight workouts are gaining popularity due to their convenience and effectiveness. This article delves into the essential equipment for these workouts, emphasizing that the right tools can enhance the experience. The list includes:
  • Pull-Up Bars: A versatile tool, pull-up bars can be mounted on doorways or walls. They’re ideal for exercises like pull-ups, chin-ups, and leg raises.
  • Resistance Bands: These elastic bands come in various resistance levels. They’re portable and can target multiple muscle groups.
  • Ab Rollers: A compact tool for core workouts, ab rollers help in strengthening the abdominal muscles.
  • Jump Ropes: An excellent cardio tool, jump ropes also aid in improving coordination and timing.
  • Push-Up Stands: These stands provide a deeper range of motion during push-ups, intensifying the workout.
  • Suspension Trainers: Using one’s body weight as resistance, these trainers can be anchored to doors or ceilings for a full-body workout.
    Investing in these tools can elevate one’s bodyweight workout routine, making it more challenging and diverse.

The common belief is that bodyweight training does not require any equipment. After all, your body’s weight is the resistance you’ll use in training, right? For the most part, the answer is yes.

Having the right equipment can make all the difference in maximizing the benefits of bodyweight workouts.

You do not need equipment like dumbbells, barbells, squat racks, etc. However, many types of bodyweight exercise equipment can accelerate your progress. Incorporating bodyweight training equipment can elevate one’s training and help achieve unparalleled results when looking to enhance bodyweight workouts.

By investing in quality bodyweight equipment such as resistance bands, suspension trainers, and parallettes, individuals can target different muscle groups, increase resistance, and add variety to their routines.

These versatile pieces of equipment challenge the body in new ways and provide the necessary support for more advanced bodyweight exercises. Unlock the full potential of your bodyweight workouts with these 10 amazing pieces of equipment.

10 Types of Equipment for Bodyweight Workouts

When it comes to bodyweight workouts, you might think all you need is your body and some open space. While this is true, several types of equipment can enhance and diversify your bodyweight training routine. You will be amazed by the variety of bodyweight exercise equipment available at the gym, from resistance bands to suspension trainers.

These pieces of equipment can help you target specific muscle groups, increase resistance, and add variety to your workouts.

Here are 10 types of equipment that can take your bodyweight training to the next level:

1. Resistance Bands are versatile and portable, making them popular for bodyweight exercises. They provide external resistance, allowing you to challenge your muscles and increase the intensity of your workouts.

Resistance bands can be used for a wide range of exercises, such as bicep curls, glute bridges, and lateral raises, providing a full-body workout with added resistance.

2. Medicine Balls have been used for centuries to assist in physical training. Doing squats with a medicine ball is far more effective than doing only bodyweight squats.

Many exercises will become more difficult when you use a medicine ball. Russian Twists and wood chops to dynamic exercises such as jumping squats and overhead slams are good examples.

While the conventional lunge works your legs, adding a twist with an outstretched medicine ball becomes much more challenging because it works both your legs and core.

3. Pull-up Bars provide an effective full-body workout that activates muscles all over the body, including the back, arms, shoulders, chest, and core.

Pull-up bars are also an excellent way to strengthen your grip and improve grip strength. Plus, they can be set up almost anywhere with minimal effort.

3. Stability Balls and Balance Boards are a great way to get a full-body workout without heavy equipment. Not only do they help you improve your balance, but they also work on strengthening your core, back muscles, and other stabilizing muscles.

With stability balls and balance boards, you can perform a wide variety of exercises that work all parts of the body, including squats, planks, and lunges.

5. Plyometric Boxes and Step Platforms – Plyometric boxes are perfect for jump training, improving explosive power and strength, and increasing agility. With their adjustable height feature, step platforms can be used in various ways to work multiple muscle groups, such as the glutes, hamstring

6. Ropes and Battling Trainers are a great way to develop strength, agility, coordination, and balance. 

This is a fantastic piece of body weight exercise equipment and quite the craze these days. It’s black, heavy ropes for high-intensity interval training (HIIT). You fix the rope to a solid pillar and stretch it out. You’ll then do various exercises such as alternate jump waves, jumping power slams, shoulder circles, snakes on the floor, etc.

The movement involved in rope exercises works the upper body and engages the core muscles. While the moves may look simple, doing them rapidly is exhausting.

A battle rope workout is almost always far more draining and effective than running on a treadmill or other conventional forms of cardio.

6. Suspension Trainers are popular for bodyweight training enthusiasts. These straps allow you to leverage your body weight against gravity, creating resistance and targeting different muscle groups. They’re also a fantastic way to work your core.

Suspension trainers can be attached to a doorframe or a sturdy anchor point, providing a versatile and effective full-body workout.

7. An Agility Ladder comprises a series of flat rungs connected by straps or ropes that you can use to perform dynamic footwork drills. It has been proven to improve one’s agility and speed.

Our body tends to be less flexible as we age, and our reaction time is slower. Agility ladder training drills can be tiring, but they’re fantastic for increasing your speed and stamina. There are lots of videos on YouTube to guide you on how to use these ladders.

8. Push-up Bars/Paralletes is another fantastic piece of gym equipment that’s highly versatile. You may have seen fitness experts like Frank Medrano using the Lebert Fitness Parallettes to do l-sits, handstand push-ups, and other bodyweight moves.

With these dip stands, you can practice many advanced bodyweight moves at home before you get to a dip bar. Furthermore, using these stands to do your push-ups helps to ease pressure on your wrists.

10 Gymnastics Rings are affordable and versatile workout equipment that improve coordination, balance, and overall body control. They build upper-body strength and allow for dynamic movement patterns that can’t be replicated with other exercises. They’re great for practicing pull-ups, dips, inverted rows, push-ups, muscle, front and back levers.

Incorporating these types of equipment into your workout program can enhance your exercise’s intensity, challenge, and variety. Choosing equipment that aligns with your fitness objectives, proficiency level, and individual preferences is crucial.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and explore different options to find the ideal equipment that works for you as you progress in your bodyweight fitness journey.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a must-have for bodyweight workouts as they offer external resistance and target every major muscle group, including biceps, triceps, glutes, and shoulders.

Resistance bands are versatile and adjustable for all fitness levels. Varying thickness and length can be customized for different exercises, making them suitable for beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts.

Resistance bands are an excellent option for lightweight and portable fitness tools. They provide a more comprehensive range of motion than machines or traditional weights, aiding joint mobility and flexibility improvement.

Resistance bands are also great for rehabilitation and preventing injuries. Because they can add resistance and assist with muscle growth, they are a practical and accessible piece of equipment you can take wherever you go.

Medicine Balls

Medicine balls, made of leather or rubber and available in different sizes and weights, can benefit beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts by improving strength, power, and athleticism.

Medicine balls engage multiple muscle groups, promoting coordination and balance through full-body workouts that mimic real-life movements. Unlike dumbbells, medicine balls require the whole body to control and manipulate the weight.

Medicine balls can add resistance to bodyweight exercises like lunges and squats, improving strength, endurance, and calorie burn.

In addition to the benefits of strength training, medicine balls are also great for improving core stability and power. By performing exercises like medicine ball slams, rotational twists, or Russian twists, you engage your core muscles dynamically and functionally, strengthening your abs, obliques, and lower back. This leads to better posture, spinal alignment, and injury prevention.

Medicine balls are a popular tool for enhancing athletic performance. The explosive movements involved in medicine ball exercises, like overhead throws or wall balls, activate fast-twitch muscle fibers, increasing force generation and improving athletic performance in various sports.

Medicine balls are convenient and portable for a challenging, cost-effective workout. They are lightweight and easy to transport, making them a great addition to your bodyweight exercises at home, gym, or park.

So grab a medicine ball, get creative with your exercises, and experience the many advantages this versatile piece of equipment offers.

Pull-up Bars

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced athlete, pull-up bars can strengthen your upper body, improve your grip strength, and build muscle mass.

Pull-up bars target multiple significant muscles in the upper body, including the latissimus dorsi (lats), rhomboids, trapezius, deltoids, biceps, and forearms. This comprehensive workout helps you develop a strong back and arms and aids in building functional strength for daily activities.

Pull-up bars offer a variety of exercises to target different muscle groups, including pull-ups, chin-ups, leg raises, and more, resulting in a well-rounded upper-body workout.

Pull-up bars can improve grip strength. Gripping the bar and supporting your body weight challenge and strengthen your forearms, fingers, and hands. This can help with other exercises like deadlifts, kettlebell swings, and everyday activities like carrying groceries or opening jars.

Another advantage of pull-up bars is that they can easily be installed in doorways or mounted on walls or ceilings, allowing for convenient and efficient upper-body workouts at home without bulky equipment or gym memberships.

Pull-up bars accommodate different skill levels, allowing beginners to start with assisted variations and advanced athletes to increase their reps. Negatives (lowering yourself down slowly) can also help build enough strength to perform full pull-ups.

Stability Balls and Balance Boards

Stability balls and balance boards are two bodyweight exercise tools with an unstable surface. They challenge balance and core stability, adding a new dimension to workouts and allowing for versatile exercises. 

Stability/Swiss Balls

Stability balls, also known as Swiss balls or exercise balls, are large inflatable rubber balls that can be used for various types of exercises. They can be found in most gyms.

They were trendy back in the day, but with time, most had forgotten them. The dwindling popularity does not reflect just how potent this simple equipment can be in your training.

One of the main benefits of using stability balls is their ability to engage your core muscles. When performing core exercises such as planks, crunches, or bridges on a stability ball, your core muscles must work harder to maintain balance and stability. This strengthens your abs and targets your back, hips, and glutes. 

Doing sit-ups on a Swiss ball will activate your abs far more efficiently than a standard floor sit-up. This is because you can arch your back around the ball. When you curl your torso to come back up, it recruits more muscles in your abs, and you feel the exercise.

Another benefit of having a Swiss ball is sitting on it while watching TV, which still works your core. Since you’ll have to maintain good posture and there’s no backrest, your core will be constantly working to keep you from rolling off the ball. So, you’re working out without working out. Fantastic.

Aside from core work, stability balls can also be used for upper and lower body exercises. You can incorporate stability balls into push-ups, squats, lunges, and even dumbbell exercises. This adds an element of instability and increases the challenge, which engages more stabilizer muscles. As a result, you get a full-body workout.

Balance Boards

Balance boards are flat platforms with rounded bottoms that require constant balance adjustments and are great for improving proprioception. Proprioception refers to your body’s ability to sense its position in space. Exercising on a balance board activates the muscles and joints responsible for balance, including your ankles, knees, and hips.

Incorporating a balance board into your bodyweight workout routine can increase the difficulty of squats, lunges, or push-ups. The unstable surface demands more from your muscles, enhancing their strength and improving overall coordination and balance.

One of the greatest advantages of stability balls and balance boards is their portability and convenience. They are relatively lightweight and easy to store, ideal for home workouts or taking with you on the go, just like a portable home gym. You don’t need ample space or additional equipment to incorporate these tools into your routine, making them a cost-effective and efficient way to add variety and effectiveness to your bodyweight workouts.

Stability balls and balance boards target your core stability and balance, engage multiple muscle groups, and provide a new level of challenge to your exercises. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your core, improve your balance, or add variety to your workouts, incorporating stability balls and balance boards can help you achieve your fitness goals. So, why not try these portable fitness equipment pieces and take your bodyweight training to the next level?

Plyometric Boxes and Step Platforms

Plyometric Boxes

Plyometric boxes and step platforms are popular bodyweight workout equipment that can enhance your fitness routine and cardio training. These versatile tools offer various exercises to challenge your strength, agility, and cardiovascular endurance.

Plyometric boxes, also known as jump boxes or plyo boxes, are sturdy platforms of varying heights designed for explosive movements like box jumps. These exercises engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, boosting power and speed.

Including plyometric box exercises in your routine can boost lower body strength, increase vertical jump, and enhance athletic performance. Whether you’re an athlete striving to improve agility and explosive power or a fitness enthusiast hoping to add intensity to cardio workouts, plyometric boxes are an excellent option.

Step Platform

Step platforms are adjustable platforms that can be set at different heights. They can be used for various exercises, including step aerobics and cardiovascular workouts, and they help burn calories.

Step platform exercises improve cardiovascular fitness, stamina, coordination, and lower body strength. This includes step-ups, where one foot steps on the platform and the other foot follows, targeting the glutes, quadriceps, and calves.

Plyometric boxes and step platforms offer adjustability, benefiting people with varying fitness levels. Beginners can begin with lower weights and gradually increase the difficulty as their strength and endurance improve. Advanced users can challenge themselves with higher jumps or faster step sequences.

For those who prefer working out in different locations or have limited space at home, plyometric boxes or step platforms can be easily stored and transported. However, it’s important to prioritize safety by ensuring the equipment is stable and secure before performing any exercises. Start with a lower level and gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable and confident in your abilities.

Adding plyometric boxes and step platforms to your bodyweight workout routine can bring diversity and effectiveness to your fitness goals. These versatile and convenient tools can help you improve your explosiveness, cardiovascular endurance, and lower body strength.

Ropes and Battling Cords

These thick and heavy-duty ropes, also known as battle ropes, are typically 30 to 50 feet long and made from durable materials like polypropylene. They can withstand vigorous movements and are often used in various workouts, such as HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and circuit training.

The major benefit of using battle ropes is their ability to engage multiple muscle groups at the same time. Swinging, slamming, and waving the ropes require upper body strength, core stability, and cardiovascular endurance. By incorporating battle ropes into your routine, you can effectively target your shoulders, arms, core, and upper back muscles.

Battle ropes are a great option for improving cardiovascular fitness while toning muscles. They provide a challenging cardio workout that raises your heart rate and burns calories, making them ideal for people who want to lose weight.

On the other hand, Battling cords are similar to ropes but shorter, with handles on both ends for better grip and control. They are made from elastic materials that are durable and versatile, and they can be used for a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups. Athletes, personal trainers, and fitness enthusiasts tend to prefer battling cords.

One of the benefits of using elastic cords in your workouts is the resistance they provide throughout the entire range of motion, which can increase strength and muscle growth. You can do various exercises with battling cords, including bicep curls, tricep extensions, squats, lunges, and more. 

Another advantage of these cords is their portability and lightweight design, making them easy to carry and suitable for any setting, whether you prefer to work out at home, the gym, or outdoors. 

However, to prevent injuries, it’s important to use proper form and technique when incorporating ropes or battling cords into your routine. Begin with lighter resistance and gradually increase intensity as you become more robust and stable. Always warm up before using the equipment, and listen to your body to avoid overexertion.

Suspension Trainers 

Suspension trainers are a game-changer in the fitness industry, with their dynamic approach to strength training and flexibility exercises. These versatile tools leverage gravity and the user’s body weight to create resistance, allowing for a wide range of motion and adaptability.

Another standout feature of suspension trainers is their portability and ease of setup. They can be anchored to various points, such as a door, ceiling, or specialized mount, making them perfect for indoor and outdoor workouts.

Their design mainly benefits those who want to engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, ensuring a balanced and holistic training session.

This adaptability means you can take your workout with you, whether traveling, at the park, or in the comfort of your home. For those seeking a low-impact yet highly effective training tool, suspension trainers are a game-changer, catering to all fitness levels and goals.”

Agility Ladder

An agility ladder, often seen gracing the training grounds of elite athletes, is an indispensable tool for enhancing speed, coordination, and footwork. This simple yet effective equipment consists of rungs spaced evenly apart, challenging individuals to navigate through them using various patterns.

Incorporating agility ladder drills into your routine can elevate cardiovascular fitness, improve neuromuscular efficiency, and sharpen cognitive functions.

It’s not just about physical speed; it’s about the mind-body connection, reacting swiftly to changing directions and patterns.

But the benefits of an agility ladder aren’t reserved solely for professional athletes. Fitness enthusiasts of all levels can harness its potential to add a fun and dynamic element to their workouts.

An agility ladder offers a versatile solution for boosting sports performance, enhancing dance moves, or breaking the monotony of traditional exercises.

Its lightweight design and easy setup make it a perfect addition to any home gym, allowing users to engage in high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions or playful challenges with family and friends.

Push-up Bars/Paralletes

When it comes to bodyweight training, push-up bars and Parallettes often fly under the radar, overshadowed by more glamorous equipment like resistance bands or kettlebells. However, these simple yet powerful tools are the unsung heroes that can significantly elevate your bodyweight exercises.

Offering a blend of versatility, wrist protection, and enhanced range of motion, push-up bars and Parallettes are must-haves for anyone serious about taking their bodyweight training to new heights. You can practice advanced bodyweight moves at home, and they serve as an excellent stepping stone before you graduate to a full-fledged dip bar at the gym.

One of the lesser-known benefits of using these stands is the relief they offer to your wrists. Traditional push-ups can strain your wrists over time, but using Parallettes helps to distribute the pressure more evenly, making your workouts more comfortable and sustainable in the long run.

Using Parallettes also allows for a greater range of motion during exercises like push-ups, which can lead to more effective muscle engagement and faster strength gains. The elevated position lets you go deeper into the movement, targeting muscles that might otherwise be neglected.

Gym Rings

Gymnastic Rings are a valuable addition to your home gym. Their unique design promotes functional strength, targeting multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Incorporating gymnastic rings into your routine allows you to achieve a full-body workout emphasizing core stability, balance, and coordination.

These adjustable-length rings offer the perfect challenge for various exercises, such as pull-ups, push-ups, dips, and horizontal raises, providing versatility for building upper-body strength and stability.

The textured surfaces provide a good grip without chalk, saving time during workouts. Gymnastic rings are not just for elite athletes; they’re a must-have for fitness enthusiasts of all levels. Whether a beginner or a seasoned pro, integrating gymnastic rings can elevate your fitness journey, offering endless possibilities for bodyweight exercises and progressive resistance

The Best Bodyweight Workout Equipment for Core Strength

 Ab wheels, sliders, and gliding discs are three excellent pieces of equipment that can take your core workouts to the next level.

Ab Wheels

Ab wheels are simple yet effective devices that consist of a wheel with handles on either side. This little contraption is a must-have. It’s used in core training and helps strengthen your abs in a different way.

They may seem small and insignificant, but don’t be fooled – ab wheels are incredibly challenging and can provide a killer workout for your entire core.

Beginners may start with both knees on the ground as they roll the wheel backward and forward. As you progress, you may wish to do standing ab wheel roll-outs, a new difficulty level.

You engage your abdominal muscles, obliques, lower back, shoulders, and arms by kneeling and rolling the wheel forward and backward. This exercise helps improve core stability, increase muscle mass, and enhance overall strength.


Sliders are another versatile tool that targets your core and challenges your stability. Designed to be small and smooth, sliders are typically made of plastic or rubber and can be used on various surfaces, such as hardwood floors or carpets.

By placing your hands or feet on the sliders and performing exercises like mountain climbers, plank slides, or hamstring curls, you add an element of instability that activates your core muscles even more. Sliders improve core strength, enhance shoulder mobility, and increase your range of motion.

Gliding Discs

Gliding discs, similar to sliders, provide a similar workout experience but with a slightly different design. These discs, usually made of plastic or foam, have a larger surface area, allowing you to focus on exercises that challenge your core stability.

By placing the discs under your hands or feet and executing movements like lunges, lateral slides, or single-leg squats, you engage your core, glutes, and leg muscles while working on balance and coordination. Gliding discs are highly effective for developing lean muscle, improving overall strength, and enhancing athletic performance.

Ab wheels, sliders, and gliding discs are great for portability. They are lightweight, compact, and easy to use at home, in the gym, or even on the go. 

Proper form and technique are crucial when incorporating ab wheels, sliders, or gliding discs into your workouts. Focus on maintaining a solid and stable core, avoid excessive arching or sagging in your back, and always listen to your body.

Start with beginner-friendly exercises and gradually progress to more advanced movements as your strength and stability improve. You will be amazed by the wide variety of bodyweight workout equipment available, each promising to enhance your training sessions and take your bodyweight workouts to the next level.

How to Choose the Right Equipment for Your Workout Goals

Choosing the right equipment for your workout goals is essential in maximizing your potential and achieving the desired results. With so many available options, deciding which equipment best suits your needs can be overwhelming. To make the selection process easier, here are some factors to consider when choosing workout equipment:

1. Fitness goals: Determine your specific fitness goals before selecting equipment. Are you looking to build strength, increase muscle mass, improve cardiovascular fitness, or enhance flexibility? Different types of equipment cater to other goals, so knowing what you want to achieve will help narrow down your options.

2. Workout preferences: Consider the types of workouts you enjoy. Do you like bodyweight exercises, resistance training, or cardio workouts? Some equipment is designed for bodyweight exercises, while others cater to weightlifting or cardio activities. By choosing equipment that aligns with your preferences, you’ll be more motivated to use it regularly.

3. Space and budget: Assess the space available for your workout equipment and determine your budget. Compact and versatile equipment like resistance bands, stability balls, or yoga mats may be ideal for limited space. Additionally, consider the long-term cost of the equipment, including maintenance and possible upgrades.

4. Fitness level: Consider your current fitness level when choosing equipment. Beginners may benefit from resistance bands, adjustable dumbbells, or suspension trainers, as they offer a range of resistance levels suitable for different strength levels. On the other hand, more advanced individuals may need heavier weights or specialized equipment for specific muscle groups.

5. Safety and injury prevention: Prioritize equipment that promotes proper form and reduces the risk of injury. Look for equipment with adjustable features, such as benches or workout platforms, which can be tailored to your body size and help maintain correct body alignment during exercises. It’s also essential to check for safety features like non-slip surfaces, stability, and sturdy construction.

6. Personal preferences and comfort: Consider your preferences and what makes you feel comfortable during workouts. For instance, some individuals may prefer using resistance bands because they are low-impact, while others may prefer the challenge of free weights. Comfortable handles, padding, or ergonomic design features may also play a role in choosing the right equipment.

7. Expert advice: If unsure which equipment suits your goals, consider consulting with a personal trainer or strength coach. These professionals can provide guidance based on their expertise and help you select equipment that aligns with your fitness goals and abilities.

Remember that the most important aspect of any workout is consistency and finding the equipment you enjoy using. This will encourage you to stay committed and achieve the desired results.


Choosing the right bodyweight training accessories is essential when creating an exercise routine. To optimize your workout and achieve desired results, you must consider several factors: fitness goals, workout preferences, budget, fitness level, safety and injury prevention, personal preferences, comfort, and expert advice. Consistency is key, so finding the equipment you enjoy using is essential for staying motivated and achieving your goals.


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